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Forum » Russian Civil war / Гражданская война в России » Thread: Знамена Красной армии / Banners of Red Army -- Page 3  Jump To: 

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Message Maniac

From: Барнаул
Messages: 833

 Знамена Красной армии / Banners of Red Army
Sent: 01-11-2011 07:15
По поводу мусульманских знамен - последний рисунок - таки да, может быть чистой фантазией художника. А вот изображение с современного событиям плаката - вполне может иметь место быть в реальности.

А по поводу реконструкции описанного знамени - очень уж скудная информация. Неясно даже, на каком языке надпись - русский или арабская вязь?
Но за информацию огромное спасибо - весьма и весьма интересно!

Registered User

From: Воронеж
Messages: 1585

 Знамена Красной армии / Banners of Red Army
Sent: 01-11-2011 08:18
А по поводу реконструкции описанного знамени - очень уж скудная информация. Неясно даже, на каком языке надпись - русский или арабская вязь?

Откуда на Южном Урале - арабская вязь? Разве только от мулл-учителей в аульских школах. Надпись наверняка была на русском, тем более, что отряд состоял не только из казахов, но и башкир, татар и русских.
Что до описания, то поверьте, это самое подробное описание, которое только может попасться в воспоминаниях. Указан цвет, материал, приблизительный размер (две сшитые скатерти, видимо, пришитые друг к другу как две стороны знамени), материал лозунга. Без сомнения, звезда была посередине, а сверху во всю ширь полотнища шло золотом название отряда.

Active User

From: Copenhagen
Messages: 180

 Знамена Красной армии / Banners of Red Army
Sent: 04-11-2011 00:32
Just make it Cuprum and also the other shown flags - and then get your Basmachi riders for sale
Hurry, hurry.

Registered User

From: Воронеж
Messages: 1585

 Знамена Красной армии / Banners of Red Army
Sent: 04-11-2011 01:47
Знамена из Музей антибольшевистской борьбы.

1-й продовольственный отряд г.Москва.

Красная гвардия депо Брест-Литовской железной дороги

Message Maniac

From: Барнаул
Messages: 833

 Знамена Красной армии / Banners of Red Army
Sent: 05-11-2011 15:15
Эти фото и тексты получены с этого сайта: http://www.gauntletinternational.com/RCWflags.htm

Знамя 14-го Автобронеотряда Петроградского военного округа.

14th Armored Car Detachment of the Petrograd Military Region. The flag says "Proletariat of all countries - Unite! 14th Auto - Armored Detachment, P.V.O." (Petrograd Voennoi Okrug - Petrograd Military District)*
This is the back side of the above flag. It says "Armored cars are the true defense of the laborers" , "Armoured cars - threatening a judge of parasites on the labor", "From the workers of the Engel's factory."

*The Petrograd Military Region was established in Sep 1918 and it was also the first capital of the Soviet country.

Знамя 51-й стрелковой дивизии.
Colors was carried by the 51st rifle division. The slogan on the colors: "Destroy Wrangel!"

Знамя бронепоезда №56 "КОММУНИСТ"

"Forward - Defenders of Communism". "The command of the armored train No. 56. "COMMUNIST". "Kanavinskiy Committee of the Peasant Workers Party (Bolsheviks)"

Flag for Armored Train #56 - "Communist". Established in January 1918 in the town of Alatyr. It was a part of the 26th Zlatoust' Rifle Division on the line from Zlatoust to Samara. After this victory, it was sent to the 15th Rifle Division along with the 1st Horse Army on the Southern Front against Denikin in the region of Voronezh-Liski-Kupyansk-Svatovo. In January of 1920, the train was sent to the 12th Army to serve on the Western Front against the White Poles. This train was awarded the Revolutionary Red Banner for success against the Poles (Bourgois) on 10 Feb 1921.

Знамя Вторых Московских пехотных курсов

"To the II Moscow Infantry Course - from the Basman Regional Committee of the RKP".
The 2nd Moscow Infantry Course - hand-delivered from the Basman Region Committee of the Peasant Worker Party (RKP).

Знамя 6-й Краснознаменной Волочаевской стрелковой дивизии (ранее 2-й стрелковой) Народно-революционной армии ДВР.

"For unparalleled valor in battle at Volochaevka. 1922, 12 February"
Flag for the 6th Order of the Red Banner Volochaev Rifle Division (formerly the 2nd Rifle Division). In Feb 1922 it received this title and banner.

Знамя 14-х Ивано-Вознесенских пехотных командных курсов.

Front side. "Ivanov-Voznesensk Infantry Command Courses"
Rear side. "Only commanders of the workers and peasants will the Red Army to a conclusive victory".
Flag for the 14th Ivanov-Voznesensk Infantry Course. 30 Apr 1918. The cadets took an active part in battles against Yudenich, active counter-insurgency in Yaroslavl, and the Kulak revolt in Tambovshchina.

Notes: this flag the hammer and plough on the back and hammer and sickle on the front - a rare combination of the old and new symbols of the Soviets.

Почетное революционное знамя 212 стрелкового полка 24-й стрелковой Самаро-Ульяновской Железной дивизии.

Honored Revolutionary Red Banner for the 212th Infantry Regiment (of the 24th Rifles of the Samaro-Ul'yanov Iron Division).

April 1918, formed in Zamosvorech'e in the Alexandrov Barracks from the 3rd Moscow Rifle Regiment and was sent to the Eastern front in June 1918, to the town of Inza. This regiment joined the ranks of the 1st Free Rifle Division (later became the 24th Rifles of the Samaro-Ul'yanov Iron Division). This Division took part in battles against Kolchak, the White Poles, and the Petlyurov Bands.

Notes: note the hammer and plough within the star within the sun. On the back (below) you can see the sunrise symbol shining on the new Soviet order.
Back side of the above flag (212th Inf Regt). "RSFSR. Proletariat of All Countries - Unite!" RSFSR stands for the Soviet Russian Federative Socialist Republic.

Знамя коммунистического отряда города Детское Село. 16 Января 1919 г.

This flag is for the Communist Detachment of the Detskoe Selo (town, before the revolution was called Tsarskoye Selo in 1937, the town of Pushkin). 16 January 1919, this unit was formed for the defense of the Petrograd Communist Detachment of the Detskoe Selo. It says "We, the Detskoe Selo Communists go to war with Anglo-American Capitalism. Our motto: Death to the White Guard. Yes, welcome to the worldwide community of proletariat! Yes, welcome to the III Communist International! 16 Jan 1919"

Почетное революционное Красное знамя Кавалерийской бригады 45-й Стрелковой дивизии.

Honored Revolutionary Red Banner of the VTsIK of the RSFSR for the Cavalry Brigade of the 45th Rifle Division.

In the beginning, this brigade was formed from the bravest of the Cavalry Partisans, who were under the command of G.I. Kotovskiy. This cavalry started as a regiment, then became a brigade and finally a division all by itself. This unit took part in battles against the German occupation of the Ukraine, then in 1919-1920 fought against Denikin on the South-Western Front.

Знамя 159-го стрелкового полка 18-й стрелковой дивизии.

Front Side: "Red Army. The Liberation of Mankind's Labor. 159th Rifle Regiment. Political department of the 6th Army."
Back Side: "Northern Eagles fulfill their duties for the Revolution! They will take Arkhangelsk! They will hoist the Red Banner of Labor in the snows of the far north!"

Banner of the 159 th Infantry Regiment, 18th Infantry Division. This regiment fought on the Northern Front against Shenkurskiy (the Anglo-American Detachment in January 1919). The banner was handed to the attackers of Arkhangelsk in 1919. The soldiers in this unit fought well and the unit received, on 8 October 1919, the title of Honored Revolutionary Red Banner of the VTsIK RSFSR.

Знамя 9-го стрелкового полка 29-й стрелковой дивизии.

"RSFSR - 20 June 1919. For the Liberation from White Oppression. To the Red the 9th Regiment. Thanks from the workers of the Kaiskiy Region."

Flag for the 9th Rifle Regiment of the 29th Rifle Division. Regiment was formed in 1918 as part of the 29th Rifle Division, 3rd Army of the Eastern Front. In 1918, this regiment took part in battles against White-Czech's and the White Guard at the Ekaterinburg attack. In 1919-1920, took part in the liberation of Perm and the Kaiskiy Withdrawal. Jan-March 1920 - sent to the Western Front to fight in the area of Lepel'.

Знамя 93-го артиллерийского дивизиона 34-й стрелковой дивизии.

"For showing manliness in the business of the Liberation of the Georgian Proletariat. To the 93rd Artillery Division from Tuapse, 1 May 1921."

93rd Art. Division of the 34th Rifle Division. This Division was part of the 9th Army (April 1920 - May 1921). It took part in the destruction of Denikin's forces in the Northern Caucasus and later in the Transcaucasus.

Знамя бронепоезда имени Розы Люксембург.

Flag for Armored Train #10 "Rosa Luxembourg".

"Persistent fighters the armored train named Rosa Luxemburg from the Staff of the Eastern Front"

From June 1918, this train fought on the Eastern Front against the White Czechs (no pictures of the train) and bands of Kolchaks. 16 January 1919 in the railroad club after the death of the German Proletariats Karl Libknekht and Rosa Luxembourg, it was decided to name this train Rosa Luxembourg. At the end of January 1919, the staff of this armored train type "A" renamed itself to "Armored Train #10 in the name of Rosa Luxembourg". This train took part in battles on the Volgo-Bugul'minskiy Railroad. In October 1919, the train fought on the Turkestan front, on the Trans-Caspians, and in Fergan.

Registered User

From: Воронеж
Messages: 1585

 Знамена Красной армии / Banners of Red Army
Sent: 06-11-2011 02:20
Большое спасибо, Михаил, эти знамена есть и на сайте "Вексилография", я и сам хотел их сюда поместить. Но ты сделал работу за меня.
Правда, там есть еще несколько.

"To gallant 5th Latvian Regiment from V.С.I.K "

To 30th Cavalry Hissar Regiment of 7th Separate Turkestan Cavalry Brigade

Glory to the fighters for the liberation of the workers and oppressed of the world

Знамя Головного восстановительного отряда №28. На знамени надпись "Да здравствует новорожденная социалистическая пролетарская армия".
Banner of the Head of restorative squad number 28. Inscription on the banner of "Long live the proletarian socialist newborn army."

Banner of 3 tank and armored vehicle detachment of the Red Army, presented to the board All-Russia Association "Wool"

Вanner of the 4th Infantry Regiment, a special purpose. Banner granted Vasileostrovskiy Council (g.Petrograd). In the center of the banner of Red Army star. On the reverse side the arms of the RSFSR and the motto "Fight to complete victory. For Soviet Power"

Flag of the unknown aircraft detachment. The color should be crimson.

Message Maniac

From: Барнаул
Messages: 833

 Знамена Красной армии / Banners of Red Army
Sent: 06-11-2011 09:09
Ну на сайте "Вексилографии" имеется только половина из представленных

Это фото было размещено на сайте клуба ВИК "Горный щит": http://www.bergenschild.narod.ru/
Сейчас я его не вижу - возможно фото удалено.

Знамя поезда Председателя Революционного Военного Совета Республики - Льва Троцкого.

Фото с экспозиции, посвященной 90-летию Рабочее-Крестьянской Красной Армии (лето 2008 года). Единственное уцелевшее из трех существовавших знамен, поступивших от различных организаций. Данное знамя подарено от имени грузчиков станции Москва II Курская.

Из фондов Центрального музея Вооруженных Сил.

Banner of the train the President of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic - Leon Trotsky.

Photos from the exhibition marking the 90th anniversary of the "Workers and Peasants Red Army" (summer 2008). The only surviving of the three existing flags received from various organizations.

The inscription on the banner: "Train the President of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic of Chef - loaders stations Moscow 2nd - Kursk"

From the funds of the Central Museum of Armed Forces.

Message Maniac

From: Барнаул
Messages: 833

 Знамена Красной армии / Banners of Red Army
Sent: 06-11-2011 15:56

Почетное революционное Красное знамя 214-го стрелкового полка.
Надписи на знамени: " От ВЦИК (Всеросийского Центрального Исполнительного Комитета) 214 стрелковому полку"; "РСФСР (Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика). Пролетарии всех стран соединяйтесь."

Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner of 214 Rifle Regiment.
The inscriptions on the banners: "From VTsIK (All-Russian Central Executive Committee) 214 Rifle Regiment," "the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic). Proletarians of all countries unite."

Знамя 242-го Волжеского революционного полка.
Надписи на знамени: "242-й Волжеский революционный полк Рабоче-Крестьянской Красной армии. Москва, Замоскворецкий район."; "Да здравствует III интернационал. Вся власть Советам. Пролетарии всех стран соединяйтесь."

Banner of the 242nd Volzhesky Revolutionary Regiment.
The inscriptions on the banner: "242nd Volzhesky revolutionary Regiment Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Moscow, Zamoskvoretskaya district"; "Long live the III International. All power to the Soviets. Proletarians of all countries unite".

Registered User

From: Воронеж
Messages: 1585

 Знамена Красной армии / Banners of Red Army
Sent: 12-12-2011 01:25
Знамя латышских стрелков - довольно оригинальное для Красной Армии того периода.

И еще. Михаил спрашивал в свое время о знаменах матросов. Попалось упоминание о флаге, который был поднят на маленьком пароходике на Кубани в 1920 - на нем знаменитый "красный десант" отправился сражаться с десантом Улагая.

Полощется в голубоватом воздухе знамя на "Илье-пророке". Это только пока, на пристани, потом и то будет снято. Отливают и сверкают золотом буквы то сворачивающегося, то вновь появляющегося лозунга "Лучше смерть, чем жить под игом капитала.

Е.И.Ковтюх. Таманцы. Краснодар, 1984. с.173

Любопытный флаг - никаких символов, только лозунг?

Registered User

From: Воронеж
Messages: 1585

 Знамена Красной армии / Banners of Red Army
Sent: 11-01-2012 23:48

Боец, сфотографированный на фоне первого знамени 58-го (впоследствие Краснознаменного ордена Кутузова II-й степени) пограничного округа. Начало 20-х.

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