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Civil War in Russia (2)

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M5A1 STUART- U.S. light tank, 1944; 1/72
Model:  WB 36

 $ 10.01  

M5A1 STUART- U.S. light tank, 1944; 1/72
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Product Details

The M3 Stuart, formally Light Tank M3, was an American light tank of World War II and supplied to British and Commonwealth forces under lend-lease prior to the entry of the U.S. into the war—and used thereafter by U.S. and Allied forces until the end of the war.

The name General Stuart or Stuart given by the British comes from the American Civil War Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart and was used for both the M3 and the derivative M5 Light Tank. In British service, it also had the unofficial nickname of Honey after a tank driver remarked "She's a honey". To the United States Army, the tanks were officially known only as "Light Tank M3" and "Light Tank M5".

The M3 Stuarts were the first American-manned (U.S.) tanks in World War II to engage the enemy in tank versus tank combat.

M5A1 (Stuart VI). 6,810 produced.

M5 with the turret of the M3A3; this was the major variant in US units by 1943.

Product Pictures

M5A1 STUART- U.S. light tank, 1944; 1/72
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M5A1 STUART- U.S. light tank, 1944; 1/72
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M5A1 STUART- U.S. light tank, 1944; 1/72
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M5A1 STUART- U.S. light tank, 1944; 1/72
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M5A1 STUART- U.S. light tank, 1944; 1/72
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Manufacturers: AmerComAmerCom
Weight: 0.25
  M5A1 STUART- U.S. light tank, 1944; 1/72

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