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Civil War in Russia (2)

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T-60 - Soviet Light Tank. 1/100
Model:  Tank 0017

 $ 0.23  

T-60 - Soviet Light Tank. 1/100
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Product Details

T-60 - Soviet Light Tank

T-60 - Soviet light tank of World War II. Developed in August 1941 at the Moscow plant ¹ 37 under the guidance of Nikolai Alexandrovich Astrov, a leading developer of all Soviet line of light tanks of the period. In September of that year, T-60 was adopted by the Red Army and the series was produced in several engineering plants. Production of T-60 continued until February 1943 when he was replaced on the assembly lines more powerful light tank T-70. All were released 5920 light tank T-60, which took an active part in the battles of the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1943. Some of the survivors of the fighting T-60 tanks were used as scouts, tractors, machine learning until the end of the war.

The model is molded from polyethylene. Color may be different from that presented in the photo.

Product Pictures

T-60 - Soviet Light Tank. 1/100
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T-60 - Soviet Light Tank. 1/100
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T-60 - Soviet Light Tank. 1/100
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T-60 - Soviet Light Tank. 1/100
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T-60 - Soviet Light Tank. 1/100
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T-60 - Soviet Light Tank. 1/100
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Manufacturers: TankPND
Weight: 0.02
  T-60 - Soviet Light Tank. 1/100

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