Product Details
The Pinsk-Volyn volunteer battalion is a battalion formed in the Belarusian city of Pinsk during the occupation of the city by German troops at the end of 1918. It was organized by a local native, the captain of the former imperial army A. Bohensky. At that time, the battalion was part of the UPR army.
After the Germans left Pinsk in January 1919, the battalion continued to remain in the city, but under pressure from the Red Army and two Polesie rebel communist regiments, it was forced to retreat to Antopol. Here the battalion joined up with the Polish troops advancing on Belarus and together with them returned to Pinsk on March 17. Until the end of the year, the battalion participated in the battles against the Bolsheviks and the suppression of the Polesie uprising.
Then the battalion became part of the Armed Forces of South Russia and in January 1920, in the amount of 120 bayonets, arrived in the Crimea, where, as part of the 3rd Army Corps of Major General Y. Slashchev, immediately took part in the defense of the peninsula (battles in early January 1920 under Novonikolaevka and March 8 - 12 near Yushun).
By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of South Russia, General Wrangel, No. 3012 dated April 29 of the same year, the Pinsk-Volyn battalion was to be disbanded, and 120 of its fighters were sent to 13th Infantry Division of the 2nd Army Corps.