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Civil War in Russia (2)

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Flag of the 1st Officer General Markov Regiment; 15 mm
Model:  15/084

 $ 0.28  

Flag of the 1st Officer General Markov Regiment; 15 mm
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Product Details

The 1st Officer General Markov Regiment was the first of the military units of the Volunteer Army (later the Armed Forces of the South of Russia and the Russian Army), which received the patronage of one of the founders of the White Movement in southern Russia of the General Staff of Lieutenant General Sergey Markov.

On February 25, 1918, the regiment was formed from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Officer Battalions, the Shock Division of the Caucasian Cavalry Division, part of the 3rd Kiev School of Warrant Officers, the Rostov Officer and the Sea Company, as the Combined Officer Regiment, who later received a personal patronage of his first commander, General Markov.

Already during the Ice Campaign, the Combined Officer Regiment began to be called the Officer Regiment; from mid-March 1918, it was part of the 1st Infantry Brigade under the command of General Markov. On June 9, 1918, it was renamed the 1st Officer Regiment.

On June 25, 1918, at the very beginning of the Second Kuban campaign, General Markov was killed in a battle near Shablievka station, who commanded the 1st Infantry Division of the Volunteer Army by that time.  On black, Markov epaulets, henceforth was the monogram of General Markov: "Markov" and the monogram – "General Markov" for the 1st Company of the Regiment – "the Company of General Markov".

At the end of the Second Kuban campaign, almost without respite, the regiment was transferred to the Coal Basin, where, together with other parts of the Volunteer Army, it waged heavy battles against the Makhnovists and Red Army soldiers. Later, regiment participated in a Moscow campaign.

By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia of October 27, 1919, the 1st Infantry Division, which included all three Markov regiments, was divided into Kornilov Shock and Officer General Markov Infantry Divisions. In addition to the Markov regiments, the Artillery General Markov Brigade formed on October 28, 1919 on the basis of the 1st Artillery Brigade, as well as the 1st Separate Engineering General Markov Company, became part of the formed division. In this composition, the division was part of the 1st Army Corps.

On December 31, 1919, during the retreat of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia, the Markov Division in the Donbass was encircled in the village of Alekseevo-Leonovo and lost two-thirds of the personnel. After the restoration of its strength, in January 1920, it successfully held the defense south of Rostov-on-Don. But during the retreat of Denikin's army deep into the Kuban, he was defeated again on February 29 in the battle near the village of Olginskaya, after which on March 1 the division was reorganized into the Officer General Markov regiment. The artillery brigade was reduced to the Separate Artillery General Markov Division, the horse-drawn hundreds – to the Horse Division.

After the evacuation of Markov units from Novorossiysk to Crimea, on March 26, 1920, the division was restored. In Crimea, it became part of the formed 1st Army Corps.

On May 11, 1920, after the renaming of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia by General Peter Wrangel to the Russian Army, the Officer General Markov Division was renamed the General Markov Infantry Division (in accordance with this renaming, the regiments of the division were also called "infantry"). As part of the 1st Army Corps, the Markov Division participated in battles in Northern Tavria and the Zadniprovsky operation.

The brigade from the 1st and 3rd Markov Infantry Regiments, led by Colonel Pyotr Sagaidachny, participated in the last battles of the Russian Army of General Wrangel in Crimea in November 1920.

In early November 1920, the division, along with other parts of the Russian army, was evacuated from Crimea. On November 27 in Gallipoli, the remainder of the division was reduced to the Markov Regiment and the Markov Artillery Division.

In 1922, after moving to Bulgaria, the Markovites ceased to exist as separate military units, entering the Russian All-Military Union in 1924.

Manufacturers: Siberia miniaturesSiberia miniaturesSiberia miniatures Homepage
Weight: 0.01
  Flag of the 1st Officer General Markov Regiment; 15 mm

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