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Civil War in Russia (2)

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AIR-1 - Soviet light aircraft; 1/90
Model:  ËãÑ-023

 $ 5.13  

AIR-1 - Soviet light aircraft; 1/90
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Product Details

AIR-1 - the first aircraft the famous Soviet aircraft designer A.S. Yakovlev.

Double biplane solid wood construction.

Open cockpit. Front cabin intended for passenger. Engine 4 cylinders "Cirrus" M-1 60 hp

Design of the aircraft was launched in late 1926. The first flight took place May 12, 1927

In autumn 1927 the plane was used in the maneuvers of the Red Army, flawlessly completing quests Army Staff for Communications with advanced army units. After military maneuvers the aircraft was officially named the best of the Soviet light aircraft. For the excellent work design of the aircraft A.S. Yakovlev was enrolled as a student of the Academy of named after N.E. Zhukovsky. The plane was built in the same instance.

Product Pictures

AIR-1 - Soviet light aircraft; 1/90
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AIR-1 - Soviet light aircraft; 1/90
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AIR-1 - Soviet light aircraft; 1/90
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AIR-1 - Soviet light aircraft; 1/90
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AIR-1 - Soviet light aircraft; 1/90
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AIR-1 - Soviet light aircraft; 1/90
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Manufacturers: DeAgostiniDeAgostini
Weight: 0.17
  AIR-1 - Soviet light aircraft; 1/90

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