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Civil War in Russia (2)

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Emperor Alexander I
Model:  B124

 $ 9.65  

Emperor Alexander I
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Product Details

Alexander I (1777-1825), Emperor of Russia from 1801

The eldest son of Emperor Paul I. At the beginning of the Board held a moderate liberal reforms, developed by the secret committee and M.Speranskim. In foreign policy maneuvering between Britain and France. In 1805 - 07. participated in anti-French coalition. In 1807 - 12 years. temporarily close ties with France.

Waged a successful war with Turkey (1806 - 12) and Sweden (1808 - 09).
Under Alexander I of Russia annexed eastern territories. Georgia (1801), Finland (1809), Bessarabia (1812), Azerbaijan (1813), the former Grand Duchy of Warsaw (1815).

After the Second World War in 1812 led in 1813 - 14 years. anti-French coalition of European powers. He was one of the leaders of the Congress of Vienna 1814 - 15 years. and organizers of the Holy Alliance.

He died in 1825 in Taganrog.

Tin, tinting, stone - coil.
The height of the bust with stand - 9.7 cm

Manufacturers: EK-castingsEK-castings
Weight: 0.3
  Emperor Alexander I

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