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Civil War in Russia (2)

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WW1 and RCW

WW1 and RCW
First World War and the Russian Civil war

Displaying 1 to 16 (of 16 products) Result Pages:  1 
    Manufacturer   Model   Product Name+   Price   Quantity   Weight   Buy Now    
 Colonel of the Life Guard Lancers in dress uniform, 1914, Russia   EK-castings   R151   Colonel of the Life Guard Lancers in dress uniform, 1914, Russia 
 $ 4.52    2   0.11 
 Colonel of the Life-Guards Dragoon Regiment in full uniform. Russia. 1914   EK-castings   R131   Colonel of the Life-Guards Dragoon Regiment in full uniform. Russia. 1914 
 $ 4.00    2   0.11 
 Cossack of the Imperial escort with Tsarevich Alexei in his arms, 1910. Russia.   EK-castings   R029   Cossack of the Imperial escort with Tsarevich Alexei in his arms, 1910. Russia. 
 $ 4.00    2   0.11 
 Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Russia, 1912; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5811   Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Russia, 1912; 54 mm 
 $ 8.60    1   0.1 
 Major General of of land forces. Greece, 1912; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5922   Major General of of land forces. Greece, 1912; 54 mm 
 $ 8.60    1   0.1 
 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Lausanne, 1923; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5930   Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Lausanne, 1923; 54 mm 
 $ 8.60    1   0.12 
 NCO 45 Infantry Regiment, Germany, 1914; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5275   NCO 45 Infantry Regiment, Germany, 1914; 54 mm 
 $ 7.31    1   0.11 
 NCO Lifeguards Jaeger regiment. Russia 1914; 54 mm   EK-castings   R258   NCO Lifeguards Jaeger regiment. Russia 1914; 54 mm 
 $ 4.52    1   0.12 
 Officer of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment. Russia, 1883 - 1914.   EK-castings   R031   Officer of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment. Russia, 1883 - 1914. 
 $ 4.00    1   0.11 
 Petty Officer of the Navy. Greece, 1912; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5921   Petty Officer of the Navy. Greece, 1912; 54 mm 
 $ 8.60    1   0.1 
 Pilot. Russia, 1914-17; 54 mm   EK-castings   WW1-1   Pilot. Russia, 1914-17; 54 mm 
 $ 4.52    2   0.11 
 Private 17 Hussars, Germany, 1914; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5273   Private 17 Hussars, Germany, 1914; 54 mm 
 $ 7.31    1   0.11 
 Private infantry regiment. Great Britain, 1914-18; 54 mm   EK-castings   WW1-2   Private infantry regiment. Great Britain, 1914-18; 54 mm 
 $ 4.52    2   0.11 
 Private Life Guards Regiment, Russia, 1914; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5271   Private Life Guards Regiment, Russia, 1914; 54 mm 
 $ 7.31    1   0.11 
 Senior non-commissioned officer, Russia, 1914; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5266   Senior non-commissioned officer, Russia, 1914; 54 mm 
 $ 7.31    1   0.11 
 The officer of the Kornilov Regiment. White Army, AFSR. Russia 1917 - 1921; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5910   The officer of the Kornilov Regiment. White Army, AFSR. Russia 1917 - 1921; 54 mm 
 $ 9.63    1   0.11 
Displaying 1 to 16 (of 16 products) Result Pages:  1 

0 items
01.Colonel of the Life-Guards Dragoon Regiment in full uniform. Russia. 1914
02.Colonel of the Life Guard Lancers in dress uniform, 1914, Russia
03.Private infantry regiment. Great Britain, 1914-18; 54 mm
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