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Middle Ages armies

Middle Ages armies
Middle Ages armies

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    Manufacturer   Model   Product Name+   Price   Quantity   Weight   Buy Now    
 Anglo-Saxon Earl, 9-11 centuries; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5216   Anglo-Saxon Earl, 9-11 centuries; 54 mm 
 $ 7.41    1   0.11 
 Archer of the junior princely squad. Rus', 10th century; 54 mm   EK-castings   M333   Archer of the junior princely squad. Rus', 10th century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.78    2   0.11 
 Archibald Douglas, Regent of Scotland, 1333   EK-castings   M148   Archibald Douglas, Regent of Scotland, 1333 
 $ 4.06    4   0.12 
 Artilleryman with the charging box. Western Europe, XV century; 54 mm   EK-castings   M255   Artilleryman with the charging box. Western Europe, XV century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.78    2   0.15 
 Artilleryman. Europe, XV century; 54 mm   EK-castings   M246   Artilleryman. Europe, XV century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.06    3   0.11 
 Artilleryman. Europe, XV century; 54 mm   EK-castings   M247   Artilleryman. Europe, XV century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.06    1   0.11 
 Artilleryman. Western Europe, 15th century; 54 mm   EK-castings   M265   Artilleryman. Western Europe, 15th century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.06    1   0.11 
 Artilleryman. Western Europe, 15th century; 54 mm   EK-castings   M266   Artilleryman. Western Europe, 15th century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.06    1   0.11 
 Artilleryman. Western Europe, 15th century; 54 mm   EK-castings   M267   Artilleryman. Western Europe, 15th century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.58    2   0.11 
 Artilleryman. Western Europe, 15th century; 54 mm   EK-castings   M268   Artilleryman. Western Europe, 15th century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.58    3   0.11 
 Artilleryman. Western Europe, the end of the XV century   EK-castings   M252   Artilleryman. Western Europe, the end of the XV century 
 $ 4.06    1   0.12 
 Berber from the army of the Fatimids. 10th century; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5260   Berber from the army of the Fatimids. 10th century; 54 mm 
 $ 9.76    1   0.12 
 Berserker, 9-10 age; 54 mm   EK-castings   M218   Berserker, 9-10 age; 54 mm 
 $ 4.06    5   0.12 
 Bertrand du Guesclin, Constable of France, died 1380; 54 mm   EK-castings   M094   Bertrand du Guesclin, Constable of France, died 1380; 54 mm 
 $ 4.06    3   0.11 
 Bohemian archer. Germany. End of the XIV century; 54 mm   EK-castings   Ì020   Bohemian archer. Germany. End of the XIV century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.06    1   0.11 
 Bohemian knight. The second half of the XIV century; 54 mm   EK-castings   Ì153   Bohemian knight. The second half of the XIV century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.06    2   0.12 
 Burgundian knight Jean de Crequy, circa 1440; 54 mm   EK-castings   M082   Burgundian knight Jean de Crequy, circa 1440; 54 mm 
 $ 4.06    2   0.11 
 Burgundian knight Jean de Montagu, in the middle of XIV century; 54 mm   EK-castings   Ì145   Burgundian knight Jean de Montagu, in the middle of XIV century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.06    1   0.12 
 Burkart von Hohenfels. Germany, 13th century; 54 mm   EK-castings   Ì322   Burkart von Hohenfels. Germany, 13th century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.58    1   0.12 
 Count Friedrich von Leiningen. Germany, 14th century; 54 mm   EK-castings   M336   Count Friedrich von Leiningen. Germany, 14th century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.58    2   0.12 
 Count Kraft von Toggenburg. Germany, XIV century; 54 mm   EK-castings   Ì316   Count Kraft von Toggenburg. Germany, XIV century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.58    2   0.11 
 Count Otto von Botenlauben. Germany, XIII century; 54 mm   EK-castings   Ì318   Count Otto von Botenlauben. Germany, XIII century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.58    3   0.11 
 Crossbowman, the end of the 15th century; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5340   Crossbowman, the end of the 15th century; 54 mm 
 $ 12.88    1   0.12 
 Crusader warrior, XII century; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5318   Crusader warrior, XII century; 54 mm 
 $ 7.41    1   0.11 
 Culverin, 2nd half of the XV century; 1/32   EK-castings   AR01   Culverin, 2nd half of the XV century; 1/32 
 $ 8.11    2   0.25 
 Danish konung Ragnar Lodbrok. 9-10 age; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5225   Danish konung Ragnar Lodbrok. 9-10 age; 54 mm 
 $ 11.83    1   0.12 
 Dietmar der Setzer. Germany, 13th century; 54 mm   EK-castings   Ì323   Dietmar der Setzer. Germany, 13th century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.58    2   0.12 
 Dobrynya - governor of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich (990); 54 mm   EK-castings   M301   Dobrynya - governor of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich (990); 54 mm 
 $ 4.78    1   0.12 
 Earl of Oxford, mid-14 century   EK-castings   M157   Earl of Oxford, mid-14 century 
 $ 4.06    4   0.12 
 Easternlands militiaman, 13th century; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5082   Easternlands militiaman, 13th century; 54 mm 
 $ 7.41    1   0.11 
 English infantry, 15th century; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5110   English infantry, 15th century; 54 mm 
 $ 7.41    1   0.11 
 English infantry, 15th century; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5111   English infantry, 15th century; 54 mm 
 $ 7.41    1   0.11 
 English men at arms, 15th century; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5112   English men at arms, 15th century; 54 mm 
 $ 7.41    1   0.11 
 European horse crossbowmen. The second half of XV century.   EK-castings   Ì108   European horse crossbowmen. The second half of XV century. 
 $ 16.64    2   0.4 
 European infantryman, 12-13 centuries; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5018   European infantryman, 12-13 centuries; 54 mm 
 $ 7.41    1   0.11 
 European infantrymen, 14 century; 54 mm   EK-castings   M156   European infantrymen, 14 century; 54 mm 
 $ 4.06    2   0.12 
 European knight, late 14 th century   EK-castings   M165   European knight, late 14 th century 
 $ 4.06    4   0.12 
 European Knight, XII century   EK-castings   M098   European Knight, XII century 
 $ 4.06    4   0.11 
 European Knight, XII century   EK-castings   M101   European Knight, XII century 
 $ 4.58    3   0.11 
 European Knight, XV century   EK-castings   M112   European Knight, XV century 
 $ 4.06    2   0.11 
 Europian crossbowman, 14 c   EK-castings   M095   Europian crossbowman, 14 c 
 $ 4.58    2   0.11 
 French knight Robert de Mamines, about 1431   EK-castings   Ì016   French knight Robert de Mamines, about 1431 
 $ 4.06    2   0.11 
 French Knight, XIV century   EK-castings   M141   French Knight, XIV century 
 $ 4.06    4   0.12 
 Genoese spearman, 14th century; 54 mm   Soldiers of Publius   PTS-5325   Genoese spearman, 14th century; 54 mm 
 $ 5.72    1   0.11 
 German crossbowman, early 14th centry   EK-castings   Ì018   German crossbowman, early 14th centry 
 $ 4.06    1   0.11 
 German Infantryman , c 1500.   EK-castings   M076   German Infantryman , c 1500. 
 $ 4.58    3   0.11 
 German infantryman, 14 century   EK-castings   M166   German infantryman, 14 century 
 $ 4.78    3   0.12 
 German infantryman, 15 c.   EK-castings   M073   German infantryman, 15 c. 
 $ 4.06    2   0.11 
 German infantryman. The middle of XIV century.   EK-castings   Ì015   German infantryman. The middle of XIV century. 
 $ 4.06    3   0.11 
 German Knight  Ulrich von Lichtenstein,  1270   EK-castings   M070   German Knight Ulrich von Lichtenstein, 1270 
 $ 4.06    2   0.11 
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