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Thespiae hoplite, 5 century BC
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Antique Greece
Antique Greece

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    Manufacturer   Model   Product Name+   Price   Quantity   Weight   Buy Now    
 Agrianian. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5027.1   Agrianian. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Akontistes. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5062.2   Akontistes. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Alexander the Great. 3-4 century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5060.2   Alexander the Great. 3-4 century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 12.71    1   0.12 
 Archon. 5th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5039   Archon. 5th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 8.60    1   0.1 
 Athena Promachos; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5025   Athena Promachos; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Athenian hoplite, 4 century BC   EK-castings   A194   Athenian hoplite, 4 century BC 
 $ 4.00    3   0.12 
 Athenian hoplite, 490 BC   EK-castings   A209   Athenian hoplite, 490 BC 
 $ 4.00    Not available   0.12 
 Athenian Hoplite. 5th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5017   Athenian Hoplite. 5th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 8.60    1   0.1 
 Athenian Strategist with the standard. 5th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5019   Athenian Strategist with the standard. 5th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 9.63    1   0.1 
 Basileus. 6th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5029.1   Basileus. 6th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Cythera, priestess of the temple of Aphrodite, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5011   Cythera, priestess of the temple of Aphrodite, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Denyen hero Filoklet, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5007   Denyen hero Filoklet, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Eupatridae. Ancient Greece, 6-7 century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5016.2   Eupatridae. Ancient Greece, 6-7 century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Greek archer, 5 century BC   EK-castings   A189   Greek archer, 5 century BC 
 $ 4.52    3   0.12 
 Greek Fokian hoplite, from 4 century BC   EK-castings   A086   Greek Fokian hoplite, from 4 century BC 
 $ 4.52    2   0.11 
 Greek hoplite, 480 BC   EK-castings   А213   Greek hoplite, 480 BC 
 $ 4.52    2   0.12 
 Greek hoplite, 5 century BC   EK-castings   A190   Greek hoplite, 5 century BC 
 $ 4.52    3   0.12 
 Greek peltast, V - IV century BC; 54 mm   EK-castings   A284   Greek peltast, V - IV century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 4.52    1   0.11 
 Greek trumpeter, 5 century BC   EK-castings   A207   Greek trumpeter, 5 century BC 
 $ 4.00    2   0.11 
 Hercules; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5024   Hercules; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Hoplite, the end of IV - beginning of the V century BC; 54 mm   EK-castings   A254   Hoplite, the end of IV - beginning of the V century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 4.52    2   0.11 
 Hoplite. 5th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5021   Hoplite. 5th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 8.60    1   0.1 
 Hoplite. 5th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5022   Hoplite. 5th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 8.60    1   0.1 
 Idomeneus of Crete. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5009.2   Idomeneus of Crete. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Idomeneus of Crete. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5009.3   Idomeneus of Crete. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Idomeneus, king of Crete, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5009.1   Idomeneus, king of Crete, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 King Thyestes Pelopidas. 13-14 century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5005.2   King Thyestes Pelopidas. 13-14 century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.11 
 Macedonian hoplite, the middle of 4 th century BC   EK-castings   A206   Macedonian hoplite, the middle of 4 th century BC 
 $ 4.00    1   0.12 
 Messenian warrior. 8th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5033.2   Messenian warrior. 8th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 10.45    1   0.11 
 Military chief Spartan hoplites. 418 BC   EK-castings   А133   Military chief Spartan hoplites. 418 BC 
 $ 4.00    3   0.12 
 Mirmidonian, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5008.1   Mirmidonian, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Mithridates VI Eupator - Pontus king who ruled in 120-63 BC; 54 mm   EK-castings   A292   Mithridates VI Eupator - Pontus king who ruled in 120-63 BC; 54 mm 
 $ 4.52    1   0.11 
 Mycenaean King Atreus, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5005.1   Mycenaean King Atreus, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm 
 $ 11.50    1   0.12 
 Mycenaean warrior from the Agamemnon squad. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5006.2   Mycenaean warrior from the Agamemnon squad. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Mycenaean warrior, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5006.1   Mycenaean warrior, 13-14 century BC (Trojan War); 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    2   0.12 
 Myrmidonian from the Achilles squad. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5008.2   Myrmidonian from the Achilles squad. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Pandarus Lycaonid from Zeleia. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5016.1   Pandarus Lycaonid from Zeleia. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Pezhetairoi first rows of phalanx. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5067   Pezhetairoi first rows of phalanx. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Polemarch of Athens. 5th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5018.2   Polemarch of Athens. 5th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 9.63    1   0.12 
 Polemarch. 5th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5020   Polemarch. 5th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 8.60    1   0.1 
 Priestess of the Temple of Athena. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5010.2   Priestess of the Temple of Athena. Trojan War 13-14 century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Prometheus. Ancient Greek mythology; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5026   Prometheus. Ancient Greek mythology; 54 mm 
 $ 9.63    1   0.1 
 Protostates dilochites. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5068   Protostates dilochites. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Psiloi. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5062.1   Psiloi. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Sarissophoroi first rows of phalanx. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5069   Sarissophoroi first rows of phalanx. Army of Alexander and Diadochos 3-4 BC; 54 mm 
 $ 11.68    1   0.12 
 Spartan hippeus. 6th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5030.2   Spartan hippeus. 6th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 9.63    1   0.11 
 Spartan hoplite, 480 BC   EK-castings   A208   Spartan hoplite, 480 BC 
 $ 4.00    Not available   0.12 
 Spartan Hoplite. 6th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5030.1   Spartan Hoplite. 6th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 9.63    1   0.1 
 Spartan Warlord, 5 century BC   EK-castings   A211   Spartan Warlord, 5 century BC 
 $ 4.52    1   0.12 
 Spartan warrior. 8th century BC; 54 mm   St. George`s Cross   5033.3   Spartan warrior. 8th century BC; 54 mm 
 $ 10.45    1   0.11 
Displaying 1 to 50 (of 65 products) Result Pages:  1  2  [Next >>] 

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01.Thespiae hoplite, 5 century BC
02.Athenian hoplite, 490 BC
03.Spartan hoplite, 480 BC
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