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Civil War in Russia (2)

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Warrior (druzhinnik). Kievan Rus', the end of X - the middle of the XI c. 54 mm
molto bello ..
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Russian Empire

Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 products) Result Pages:  1 
    Manufacturer   Model   Product Name+   Price   Quantity   Weight   Buy Now    
 Cannon with crew. Russia, XVII century; 28 mm   Leonid   L-188   Cannon with crew. Russia, XVII century; 28 mm 
 $ 14.22    1   0.19 
 New Order Regiments - command group. Russia, XVII century. Set ¹3; 28 mm   Leonid   L-187   New Order Regiments - command group. Russia, XVII century. Set ¹3; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    1   0.12 
 New Order Regiments - musketeers. Russia, XVII century. Set ¹1; 28 mm   Leonid   L-185   New Order Regiments - musketeers. Russia, XVII century. Set ¹1; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    2   0.12 
 New Order Regiments - pikemen. Russia, XVII century. Set ¹2; 28 mm   Leonid   L-186   New Order Regiments - pikemen. Russia, XVII century. Set ¹2; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    2   0.12 
 Pomestnoe voisko (feudal noble militia), command group. Russia, 17th century. Set ¹3; 28 mm   Leonid   L-184   Pomestnoe voisko (feudal noble militia), command group. Russia, 17th century. Set ¹3; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    1   0.19 
 Pomestnoe voisko (feudal noble militia). Russia, 17th century. Set ¹1; 28 mm   Leonid   L-182   Pomestnoe voisko (feudal noble militia). Russia, 17th century. Set ¹1; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    1   0.19 
 Pomestnoe voisko (feudal noble militia). Russia, 17th century. Set ¹2; 28 mm   Leonid   L-183   Pomestnoe voisko (feudal noble militia). Russia, 17th century. Set ¹2; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    1   0.19 
 Reiter, Russia XVII century. Set ¹1; 28 mm   Leonid   L-180   Reiter, Russia XVII century. Set ¹1; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    2   0.19 
 Reiter, Russia XVII century. Set ¹2, command group; 28 mm   Leonid   L-179   Reiter, Russia XVII century. Set ¹2, command group; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    1   0.19 
 Reiter, Russia XVII century. Set ¹3, command group; 28 mm   Leonid   L-181   Reiter, Russia XVII century. Set ¹3, command group; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    1   0.19 
 Reiter, Russia XVII century. Set ¹4; 28 mm   Leonid   L-195   Reiter, Russia XVII century. Set ¹4; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    2   0.19 
 Russian military leader + equestrian litaver; 28 mm   Leonid   L-193   Russian military leader + equestrian litaver; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    1   0.19 
 Russian military leader + equestrian Standard Bearer; 28 mm   Leonid   L-194   Russian military leader + equestrian Standard Bearer; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    1   0.19 
 Streltsy (shooters). Russia, XVII century. Set ¹1, command group; 28 mm   Leonid   L-177   Streltsy (shooters). Russia, XVII century. Set ¹1, command group; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    1   0.09 
 Streltsy (shooters). Russia, XVII century. Set ¹2; 28 mm   Leonid   L-178   Streltsy (shooters). Russia, XVII century. Set ¹2; 28 mm 
 $ 7.95    2   0.09 
Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 products) Result Pages:  1 

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