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Civil War in Russia (2)

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Absolutely outstanding. Very good quality cast, crisp and ..
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Air force

The weapons and equipment
New Products For February
M4A3 Sherman - medium tank made in the USA on the Eastern Front; 1/72
M4A3 Sherman - medium tank made in the USA on the Eastern Front; 1/72
$ 6.21
IS-2 - Soviet heavy tank; 1/72
IS-2 - Soviet heavy tank; 1/72
$ 10.01
Churchill Mk IV - Heavy British infantry tank (Eastern Front); 1/72
Churchill Mk IV - Heavy British infantry tank (Eastern Front); 1/72
$ 6.21
T-26 model 1938 - Soviet light infantry tank; 1/72
T-26 model 1938 - Soviet light infantry tank; 1/72
$ 6.21
Mark II Matilda II - British infantry tank (Eastern Front); 1/72
Mark II Matilda II - British infantry tank (Eastern Front); 1/72
$ 6.21
76mm - Soviet Regimental Gun m.1943; 1/72
76mm - Soviet Regimental Gun m.1943; 1/72
$ 8.66
T-34-76 m.1942 - Soviet medium tank, 1/72
T-34-76 m.1942 - Soviet medium tank, 1/72
$ 11.64
KV-1 (М1941) - Soviet heavy tank, 1/72
KV-1 (М1941) - Soviet heavy tank, 1/72
$ 6.21
T-34-76 - Soviet medium tank; 1/72
T-34-76 - Soviet medium tank; 1/72
$ 6.21
0 items
01.Mark II Matilda II - British infantry tank (Eastern Front); 1/72
02.ISU-152 - Soviet armored self-propelled gun; 1/72
03.T-26 model 1938 - Soviet light infantry tank; 1/72
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